Term Of Use

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This website is provided by Living Glory Care Ltd, 35 Nursery Road, Birmingham, B19 2XN

Your use of this website and any documents, files and other information available through it is subject to the following terms and conditions, as amended by us from time to time. Use of and access to this website does not of itself create any contractual relationship between you and City & County and where such an arrangement does exist, it will be governed by separate terms.

All electronic links to any part of this site require the consent of  Living Glory Care Ltd. Please email requests to livingglorycare@gmail.com.


References on this website and in these terms and conditions to “Living Glory Care” or “we” or “our” or “us” shall mean Living Glory Care and/or its affiliated undertakings; and

“you” or “your” shall mean the user of this website. If you are accessing or using this website in your capacity as an employee, director, officer, partner or agent of a corporate or unincorporated entity “you” and “your” shall refer to you and such entity and you confirm that you are authorised to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of such entity and agree to be personally bound by these terms and conditions.

Intellectual property

We and our suppliers own the intellectual property rights in the software that runs this website and in the contents of the site. Save to the extent expressly permitted by applicable laws, you must not copy, modify, download, distribute or de-compile that software or content without our consent.

By accessing this website, you agree that you will access its contents solely for your own use. You may print out a single hard copy of any part of the content of this website for your use in accordance with these terms and conditions.


We cannot guarantee that this website will operate in accordance with your expectations or will be error-free. If you are aware of any error on this website please contact us by email at livingglorycare@gmail.com and we will endeavour to correct it.

Nothing in this website or the documents available through it constitutes legal or other professional advice. You should not rely on any information contained in this website as if it were legal or other professional advice.

It is our policy to virus check documents and files before they are posted on this website. However, we cannot guarantee that documents or files downloaded from this website will be free from viruses and we do not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss caused by any virus. Accordingly, for your own protection, you must use virus-checking software when using this website. You must not post or provide to us via this website, any document or file which you believe may contain a virus. You must virus check any document or file which you intend to post or provide to us via this website.

If you decide to access any third party websites linked to this website, you do this entirely at your own risk. We provide these links merely as a convenience and the inclusion of such links does not imply that we endorse or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such web sites. You may be subject to the terms of use applicable to such third party sites.


See the separate cookies policy here.

Privacy notices

When we need to process your personal information, we will provide appropriate privacy notices at the time at which we collect your information. Our privacy notice for people who use our services is at www.livingglorysocialcare.co.uk/privacy-policy/

Revision information

These terms were last updated on 18th August 2022.